We offer residential survey services to architects, contractors, and homeowners alike within the City of Seattle city limits. Are you located outside of Seattle city limits? Depending on current work volume at times we may service outside of Seattle city limits within King County for residential surveys. Feel free to give us a call to see if we are currently taking on jobs outside of Seattle city limits within King County. All of our clients’ projects and needs are unique to their situation. We individualize our services to our clients’ specific needs and requirements. We respect budget constraints by concentrating on the specific services you need so you end up only paying for what you actually need and request. Whether your project involves remodeling your existing house, building a new house, development on steep slopes, or simply staking where you should build your new fence, we can help!


For residential surveying  we offer a wide variety of services. These services include but are not limited to the following:

  • ALTA/NSPS Title Surveys
  • As-Builts
  • Boundary Surveys
  • Boundary & Topographic Survey (Enhanced Site Plan)
  • Boundary Line Agreement
  • Building Height Verification
  • Building Setback
  • Construction Staking
  • DNR Lease Exhibits
  • Easement Descriptions
  • Environmentally Critical Areas (ECA) Surveys
  • FEMA Elevation Certificates
  • Foundation Staking
  • Legal Descriptions
  • Limited Site Survey
  • Monitoring
  • Property Line Staking
  • Record of Surveys
  • Topographic Surveys
  • Utility Surveys

Some services we DO NOT offer are Flood Certifications!
The following services we offer are limited in the services provided:

  • Boundary Line Adjustment
  • Lot Boundary Adjustment
  • Short Subdivision
  • Unit Lot Subdivision

While we perform all the surveying services necessary for these types of projects, we DO NOT submit them to the city. While we are more than happy to advise how the process is completed, the actual submittal portion of the process is the client’s responsibility, we do not complete or assist in that.

Not familiar with surveying or where to begin? Below are some general descriptions of surveys for educational purposes. We are more than willing to accommodate any request we are able to that meets your specific needs!

We would determine your property lines and stake out (place wood stakes) at your property corners and along the property lines, as needed so that you can build your fence.  This type of survey does not include a drawing.  If you would also like to have a drawing, see one of the options below and we can combine your request to fit your needs.  The cost of this type of survey depends on the location of the property, the shape of the property and how many lines you need to have staked.

By its name, the Limited Site Survey generally only shows a “limited” number of features within the property.  These features will typically include the existing house (and other buildings such as garage or shed, if required), and may also include fences and a tree or two.  We also use this type of survey to obtain building corner elevations and roof peak elevations if you plan on increasing the height of your house.  The final product is usually an 8 ½ x 11 drawing that shows the property lines, bearings and distances around the property, the house and distances from the house to the property line(s).  We do not set physical property corner markers for a LSS.

This survey will include all the site features within the property, such as, existing buildings, eaves, fences, walls and rockeries, trees and hedges, walkways, driveway, decks and porches, curb and sidewalk, utilities, and contours. This type of survey is generally used for a major remodel, landscaping project or a new house.  The final product is usually a 24 x 36 drawing both hard copies and digital files (PDF and AutoCAD file). We do not set physical property corner markers with this survey.

Under this type of survey, we set the property corner markers and record the survey (drawing) with the County.  The ROS will typically include the boundary with dimensions, setting property markers, existing buildings on the property with dimensions from the building to the property lines, and any existing line fences or walls.  The ROS meets all the state and county requirements for this type of survey.

Typically, an ECA involves property that has a steep slope, is next to the sound or lake, a creek or wetland (this is only a partial list).  The City of Seattle has detailed requirements for properties within an ECA.  Basically, it is a boundary and topographic survey that covers not only the property but is extended 25 feet beyond the property, and the full right-of-way of the adjacent streets. We do not set physical property corner markers with this survey.

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